
Starting my blog was one of my new year resolutions and I am glad that I didn't let it to die as a mere wish on my to-do list. Of course, beginning a new thing is always exciting. Though this is my second attempt at blogging (I had first started to blog when I was doing my graduation but couldn't keep with it and the blog died), but eight years is a long time and so much has changed over the years. Now that I have decided to document my culinary exploits on this blog, I have to be sincere and regular with my postings. As my first post, let me share one of my favourite poems of Tagore (Sri Rabindranath Tagore).

Let only that little be left of me
whereby I may name thee my all.

Let only that little be left of my will
whereby I may feel thee on every side,
and come to thee in everything,
and offer to thee my love every moment.

Let only that little be left of me
whereby I may never hide thee.

Let only that little of my fetters be left
whereby I am bound with thy will,
and thy purpose is carried out in my life
and that is the fetter of thy love.

written by Rabindranath Tagore

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